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A textured green background

The Latino Climate Justice Framework exists to highlight the disproportionate impacts of climate change on nuestra comunidad latina. Our communities are heavily represented in outdoor jobs such as farm working, which means they are exposed to the extreme heat that puts workers at elevated risk for heat stroke and dehydration. Since September 2022, Latino/a/x people across America have signed onto the LCJF, joining the call for climate justice solutions designed with our gente in mind.


The Latino Climate Justice Framework (LCJF) provides a blueprint that Latino/a/xs across the country can turn to as we advocate for climate solutions in our communities.

Green water color textured background



El Marco de Justicia Climática Latina (MLJC) es el trabajo de 22 organizaciones latinas/x, el cual integra un modelo para abordar la crisis climática y atender las necesidades de las comunidades latinas/x en todo el país. Este marco proporciona un modelo para que nuestros colaboradores aboguen en nombre de nuestras comunidades.

The work of 22 Latino/a/x organizations, the LCJF is a comprehensive framework for addressing the climate crisis and serving the needs of Latino/a/x communities across the country. This framework provides a blueprint for our partners to advocate on behalf of our communities.


About The Report

Latino Climate Justice Framework

Our comunidades across the country need climate solutions that will mobilize the massive investments necessary to mitigate, prepare for and prevent the devastating impacts of the climate crisis. The framework presented in this report builds upon the significant work of frontline climate and environmental justice leaders to highlight disproportionate impacts on Latino/a/x communities and help ensure our priorities are included, elevated, and protected.

Two people are hugging in each other in the foreground, with other pairs in the background also hugging each other.


Sun icon

The Path to Energy, Environmental and Economic Justice

The reality is that Latino/a/x communities in this country bear the brunt of climate, water and air pollution. It’s time for us to trade in practices that extract from Madre Tierra – producing pollution that harms us all – for clean, renewable alternatives that harness the natural energy of the planet, allowing us all to breathe easier while creating millions of jobs.



Windmill icon

Protecting Vulnerable Communities from the Climate Crisis

Latino/a/xs in the U.S. and abroad live on the frontlines of the climate crisis, threatened by destructive weather events and heavily represented in outdoor jobs.  While we transition away from fossil fuels and into a clean energy future, it is critical that we support our communities by providing climate-resilient infrastructure addressing the risks associated with the climate crisis now.


Hand icon with a swirl texture in the middle

Providing Equitable Access and Representation

Just solutions to our climate crisis must move beyond a decarbonization-only approach, account for economic disparities, and ensure that deeply vulnerable groups from our communities, such as migrants, farmworkers, and frontline workers, are included in policy strategies to grow economic opportunity. Providing language access at every level and structure of government is one crucial component for Latino/a/xs to be included in decision-making processes.

A yellow icon of the sun with circular patterns in the middle, overlaid on an army green water color pattern


Cómo Podemos Lograr la Justicia Energética, Ambiental y Económica:

  • Promover la Energía Limpia, Renovable y Comunitaria

  • Promover la Movilidad, Transporte y Envío Limpios

  • Reducir la Contaminación por Combustibles Fósiles y las Zonas de Sacrificio

  • Sellar y Remediar Pozos de Petróleo Abandonados

How We Can Achieve Energy, Environmental and Economic Justice:

  • Advance Clean, Renewable, Community-Based Energy

  • Advance Clean Mobility, Transportation and Shipping

  • Reduce Fossil Fuel Pollution and Sacrifice Zones

  • Plug and Remediate Abandoned Oil Wells

A painting featuring a family of four, with a mother in the middle whose belly is glowing, indicating she's pregnant, and the father, daughter and another small child are gathered around her, holding or touching her stomach. Two sets of large hands encircle the family.
A green icon of a windmill with army green water color textures in the background


Cómo Podemos Proteger a las Comunidades Vulnerables de la Crisis Climática:

  • Construir Comunidades Resistentes al Clima

  • Proporcionar Acceso Equitativo al Agua Limpia

  • Proteger a los Trabajadores Agrícolas de las Amenazas Climáticas

  • Asistencia y Reasentamiento de Refugiados Climáticos

How We Can Protect Vulnerable Communities from the Climate Crisis:

  • Build Climate-Resilient Communities

  • Provide Equitable Access to Clean Water

  • Protect Farmworkers from Climate Threats

  • Assist and Resettle Climate Refugees

Nine people standing side by side with their arms around each other posing for the camera
An orange icon of a hand with a spiral pattern in the middle


Cómo Podemos Proporcionar Acceso Equitativo y Representación:

  • Aumentar la Participación Comunitaria, el Acceso Lingüístico y las Vías de Acceso a Servicios Básicos

  • Tomar Decisiones de Financiación Equitativas

  • Promover la Administración Latina/a/x del Mundo Natural y los Sitios de Patrimonio

  • Construir un Futuro Equitativo y Resistente para Puerto Rico

  • Eliminar las Barreras a la Inmigración y la Ciudadanía

How We Can

Provide Equitable Access and Representation:

  • Increase Community Involvement, Language Access and Pathways to Services

  • Make Equitable Funding Decisions

  • Promote Latino/a/x Stewardship of Natural World and Heritage Sites

  • Build an Equitable and Resilient Future for Puerto Rico

  • Remove Barriers to Immigration and Citizenship

Sign The Framework




Our Inaugural Partners

Azul logo
Comite logo
Corazon Latino Logo
Ecomadres, Mom's Clean Air Force logo
Farmworker Justice Logo
GreenLatinos logo
HACU logo
Hispanic Federation logo
Latino Outdoors logo
League of United Latin American Citizens logo
MANA logo
Mi Familia Vota logo
PoderLatinx Logo
Presente logo
Sachamama Logo
T.e.j.a.s Logo
UnidosUS Action Fund Logo
WCVI logo

Green Latinos is proud to be in comunidad with the following coalitions, leaders, and networks

Adigrat University, Ethiopia, Tigray

Arte Sana

Atlantic Climate Justice Alliance

BRAAVE Tribe Collab

Californians Against Waste

Casa Ruth

Center for Progressive Reform

Change the Chamber*Lobby for Climate

Climate Nexus

Community Water Center

Conservation and Environment(NACCE)


EcoLatinos, Inc.

ecomystica, LLC

Friends of the Earth

​Friends of the Inyo

Fruition Sustainability Solutions LLC
Grand Staircase Escalante Partners
Green Latinos
Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center
Latino Network
Latino Verde Inc.
Los Padres ForestWatch
MEG Engineers Group
Mothers Out Front
Mukuyu Collective
Mystic Aquarium
Nature for All
North American Climate,
Oregon Wild
Plastic Pollution Coalition


Queer Brown Vegan

Rise South City

Rozalado Services
Save the Sound
Sierra Club
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
Stanford Health Care
Surfrider Foundation
The Community Library
The Water Hub Project
Unite North Metro Denver
University of Denver Interdisciplinary Research Institute for the Study of [in]Equality (IRISE)
Voluntario Independiente
Washington Farmland Trust
Watershed Progressive
Wisconsin EcoLatinos
Yale Center for Environmental Justice

"We need to realize a better future for America’s Latinx communities, too. Imagine what a difference it would make for a generation of kids to have their lives shaped by policy that prioritizes justice and liberation."

Irene Burga and Mark Magana


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